flowers; plants; leaves; landscapes; trees; insects; rocks; skeletons; bodies; ramifications; branching; arborescence;

abstract shapes; regular solids; geometry; symmetry; gestaltlos; formlos; amorphous landscapes; microscopic level; crystalline;

objects; surfaces; industrial product; hard surface modeling; vintage electronic equipment; product visualization;
collision; contact; free fall; wiggle; animation; movement; physics simulation; rigid body; cloth sim; soft body sim;

mechanism; interlocking pieces; rigging; IK; constraints; hard surface modeling; aesthetical machines;
...joints, articulations, hinges, pendulum;

buildings, architecture, human landscapes,
...doors, windows, sidewalks, gates, portals, arches, stairs, benches, lamps,... the ratios of the human body as reference; sensation of dimension and scale; a rock, a pebble, a mountain;

Session dedicated to the ongoing project on Movement and Motion Capture Lab in partnership with Dock 11 Berlin.

Motion recorded at Dock 11, 2022, Berlin
Dancer: Christine Bonansea Saulut
Motion recorded at Dock 11, 2022, Berlin
Dancer: Christine Bonansea Saulut
Mab Cardoso
Motion recorded at Dock 11, 2022, Berlin
Dancer: Christine Bonansea Saulut
Mab Cardoso